Friday, February 3, 2012

I am going 'poo-free'

Okay, for those of you not down with the lingo, that is short for 'shampoo free' and not some kind of constipation issue.

I know a number of people who have been converted lately, so I thought I would give it a go too.  I am a bit nervous as I really really like to have clean hair.  I am a shampoo every day kind of girl.  So this is a BIG deal to me.

Instead of shampoo, you use baking soda and apple cider vinegar (ACV).
hansell baking soda tastemaker vinegar apple cider
You firstly you put a small amount of baking soda (approx 1 tbsp) into your palm and then mix with water to a runny paste.  Then apply this to your hair, let it sit for a minute then rinse it off.  You can then do an ACV rinse - mix 2 tablespoons with about a cup of water, massage into your scalp and hair and then rinse it off.

And voila - clean hair!

Apparently it can take a couple of weeks for your hair to get used to this new routine, without the harsh shampoo detergents stripping all the natural oils away, and you hair can be a bit oily.  This is what I am afraid of.  So I have a back up plan.  A hat
I believe this will be my friend for the next couple of weeks!

So tomorrow is my first day.  Hopefully it will be okay!


  1. The only thing that would worry me would be the smell of vinegar being hard to wash out? I pickled onions a week ago and can still smell the vinegar!

    1. Linds has been poo free for a while now, and I haven't noticed her being vinegary at all!! We'll all stick together, and if anyone does notice a smell, they won't know which of us it is coming from - ha ha.


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