Monday, February 20, 2012

Changing, one step at a time

I aspire to live a better life. To me a better life is one that has minimal impact on our environment, a natural life, a healthy life.  I want to eat organic local produce.  I want to prevent illnesses.  I want to be happy.  I want to be frugal and avoid giving my hard earned money to large corporations for items I do not need.  I want to avoid chemicals.

There was once a time in my life when I was doing pretty much all these things.  I was living in London, I had money and time, no children and it is so easy there.  Organic food was readily available near my flat, and there was such easy access to natural products.  I was a strict vegetarian, and was very clued up about beauty products and their contents, what was tested on animals and what wasn't.

When I returned to New Zealand, I discovered that it was not quite so easy to live like that here.  And the other thing which I think impacted me the most is that no-one I knew in New Zealand lived how I wanted to live.  I realised that whilst I was living away from home, I wasn't being influenced by my friends and family, and I was free to live how I wanted without being judged.  I realised that it is hard to be the 'odd one out' all the time.  It is also quite antisocial if everyone you spend time with aspire to different ideals than you.

I went off track for a while, in regards to the way I want to live.

However, I feel I am getting back on track.

There are a few reasons for this.  The main reason is that I am now spending more and more time with like-minded individuals, who inspire me.  I am also loving The Natural Parent Magazine Facebook page.  Every day other NP/AP mothers (and fathers sometimes) post questions.  Through these questions I have discovered all sorts of interesting things.  I am now 'poo-free', I am 'pulling oil', I am drinking ACV.

Yes.  I know.  I am a bit of a weirdo perhaps.  But you know what?  I am happy.  And you know what else?  I realised that I can have the life I aspire to have.  I don't have to go out and change everything in one go, I can just do it slowly, one step at a time.  Life is a journey, not a destination.  And I plan to enjoy it.

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