Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Night Weaning, the Gentle Way. Day 2

Success (of a kind)!

Last night I stuck to the method, and I ended each feed whilst my son was still awake and then managed to get him to sleep by patting his back.  And we did this every time he fed between 11pm and 5am.

So we did successfully stick to the method.

HOWEVER, he only slept for between 15 and 45 minutes between these wakeful periods so then we had to do this process many, many, MANY times during the night.  So that was the not so successful part.

I do feel like we are getting somewhere in the process though, so we will keep at it.


  1. Keep at it! I really hope that it works for you, as then it might work for me! Sebastian (16 months) frequently falls asleep on his own after nursing - Once he is full and tired, he will roll off and then continue to roll until he finds a comfy position and falls asleep. It only happens when he is put to sleep, however, and not during the night. For the most part I don't mind nursing overnight and the feedings are dropping naturally, but once in awhile we get a bad night where he won't sleep without nursing all night long. I suspect that on those nights, we'd be awake either way, so I almost prefer nursing just so that I can get SOME sleep. UGH I don't know. Mainly I don't want to piss off the husband when he is woken up every time I refuse to let the kid nurse. I often feel like one of us getting sleep trumps trying to night wean. Bleh.

    1. Thanks Janine. I have right this minute done an update on last night (not good).
      It sounds like Sebastian is similar to my Monty.
      He just doesn't seem to be naturally dropping feeds, but increasing them. I used to not mind so much, but I am just so so soooo tired that I feel I have to do something, as I also have a 3 yo to look after too, so I don't want to be a tired grump all day. I will keep you posted.
      BTW - I waited til my other son was 20 months to night wean - I went cold turkey on him. Took him 2 nights and then he slept through for the first time ever. But it was rough going, we stayed up for hours each night watching Foo Fighters DVD's!


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