Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Breast Nazi Myth

I am a rather passionate breastfeeding mother.  I am an active member of La Leche League and I know that breast is best.
Even as I write this, there will be someone who reads this as:  'If you feed your baby formula, then I think you are a bad mother'.
This is not the case.
I follow a number of parenting pages on facebook.  As soon as one of them posts a link to an article about the benefits of breastfeeding, someone always has to add comments such as:
'Thats nice - for those mothers that CAN breastfeed.'
'I formula feed my baby, and hes healthy'
'Breastfeeding isn't always best'

Breastfeeding is the BEST option for mothers and babies.  I am completely aware that in some situations breastfeeding is not possible.  And in these cases, I am very thankful that mothers have access to high quality formula to feed their baby.  I believe that breastmilk is best, but I also believe that formula has its place, and that many mothers absolutely require formula to feed their baby.

I just wish that breastfeeding could be properly promoted, and new mothers had access to high quality breastfeeding information and support, without fear of offending woman that use formula.  And almost all breastfeeding problems can be overcome if the mother is willing.

I don't believe that the 'Breast Nazi' actually exists.  I think that some mothers who formula feed, simply hear something that isn't being said.  They are reading between the lines and getting a completely different message.

1 comment:

  1. "Almost all breastfeeding problems can be overcome if the mother is willing." This. I was lucky enough to have an easy time of it (for the most part, but never doubted that I would continue) but I was also prepared for problems and had done my research. I don't get mothers who don't spend at least some of their pregnancy studying these things. My son had jaundice and we met with an LC and did finger feeds and bought a pump the first week he was home. You make it work if it's important to you.


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